In this article, we are sharing with our audience the genuine PDF download of Maternal-Child Nursing 5th Edition PDF using direct links which can be found at the end of this blog post. To ensure user safety and faster downloads, we have uploaded this .pdf file to our online cloud repository so that you can enjoy a hassle-free downloading experience.
Here, at the Medicos Republic, we believe in quality and speed which are a part of our core philosophy and promise to our readers. We hope that you people benefit from our blog! Now before we share the free PDF download of Maternal-Child Nursing 5th Edition PDF with you, let’s take a look at a few of the important details regarding this ebook.
Here’s the complete overview of Maternal-Child Nursing 5th Edition PDF:
Easily master maternity and pediatric nursing care with Maternal-Child Nursing, 5th Edition. This easy-to-read text is filled with a wealth of user-friendly features to help you quickly master essential concepts and skills. It offers completely updated content ― including expanded information on the late preterm infant, fetal heart rate pattern identification, obesity in the pregnant woman and children, and enhanced coverage of the QSEN initiative. It also features an abundance of active learning tools so you have ample opportunities to practice applying your knowledge and skills.
Features of Maternal-Child Nursing 5th Edition PDF
Here’s a quick overview of the essential features of this book:
- Nursing care plans help you apply the nursing process to plan individualized care for the most common maternity and pediatric conditions.
- Critical to Remember boxes summarize and highlight essential, need-to-know information.
- Critical Thinking Exercises allow you to apply your knowledge to realistic clinical situations.
- Communication Cues provide practical tips for effective verbal and nonverbal communication with patients and families.
- Clinical Reference sections in pediatric chapters present information relevant to each body system, including anatomy and physiology, differences in the pediatric patient, and related laboratory and diagnostic tests.
- Safety Alerts call attention to important patient safety considerations for better outcomes of nursing care.
- Glossary at the end of the book offers quick access to all key terms and definitions presented in the text.
- Want to Know boxes provide teaching guidelines such as communication guides directed at patients and families.
- Pathophysiology boxes present an illustrated overview of disorders.
- Updated drug guides summarize key medication information.
- NEW! Completely updated content includes expanded information on the late preterm infant, fetal heart rate pattern identification, obesity in the pregnant woman and children, and the QSEN initiative.
- UPDATED! Evidence-Based Practice boxes with newly researched topics offer the most current practice guidelines to promote quality care.
- UPDATED! Online resources offer the best interactive tools to learn in the most effective way possible.
- NEW! Improved consistency between maternity and pediatric sections makes it easier to switch from one area to the other for more efficient learning.
- Communication Cues provide practical tips for effective verbal and nonverbal communication with patients and families.
Table of Contents
Below is the complete table of contents offered inside Maternal-Child Nursing 5th Edition PDF:
1. Foundations of Maternity, Women’s Health, and Child Health Nursing
2. The Nurse’s Role in Maternity, Women’s Health, and Pediatric Nursing
3. The Childbearing and Child-Rearing Family
4. Communicating with Children and Families
5. Health Promotion for the Developing Child
6. Health Promotion for the Infant
7. Health Promotion During Early Childhood
8. Health Promotion for the School-Age Child
9. Health Promotion for the Adolescent
10. Heredity and Environmental Influences on Development
11. Reproductive Anatomy and Physiology
12. Conception and Prenatal Development
13. Adaptations to Pregnancy
14. Nutrition for Childbearing
15. Prenatal Diagnostic Tests
16. Giving Birth
17. Intrapartum Fetal Surveillance
18. Pain Management for Childbirth
19. Nursing Care During Obstetric Procedures
20. Postpartum Adaptations
21. The Normal Newborn: Adaptation and Assessment
22. The Normal Newborn: Nursing Care
23. Newborn Feeding
24. The Childbearing Family with Special Needs
25. Pregnancy-Related Complications
26. Concurrent Disorders During Pregnancy
27. The Woman with an Intrapartum Complication
28. The Woman with a Postpartum Complication
29. The High-Risk Newborn: Problems Related to Gestational Age and Development
30. The High-Risk Newborn: Acquired and Congenital Conditions
31. Management of Fertility and Infertility
32. Women’s Health Care
33. Physical Assessment of Children
34. Emergency Care of the Child
35. The III Child in the Hospital and Other Care Settings
36. The Child with a Chronic Condition or Terminal Illness
37. Principles and Procedures for Nursing Care of Children
38. Medication Administration and Safety for Infants and Children
39. Pain Management for Children
40. The Child with a Fluid and Electrolyte Alteration
41. The Child with an Infectious Disease
42. The Child with an Immunologic Alteration
43. The Child with a Gastrointestinal Alteration
44. The Child with a Genitourinary Alteration
45. The Child with a Respiratory Alteration
46. The Child with a Cardiovascular Alteration
47. The Child with a Hematologic Alteration
48. The Child with Cancer
49. The Child with an Alteration in Tissue Integrity
50. The Child with a Musculoskeletal Alteration
51. The Child with an Endocrine or Metabolic Alteration
52. The Child with a Neurologic Alteration
53. Psychosocial Problems in Children and Families
54. The Child with a Developmental Disability
55. The Child with a Sensory Alteration
Maternal-Child Nursing 5th Edition PDF Free Download
Alright, now in this part of the article, you will be able to access the free PDF download of Maternal-Child Nursing 5th Edition PDF using our direct links mentioned at the end of this article. We have uploaded a genuine PDF ebook copy of this book to our online file repository so that you can enjoy a blazing-fast and safe downloading experience.
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Here’s the cover image preview of Maternal-Child Nursing 5th Edition PDF:
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Please use the direct link mentioned below to download Maternal-Child Nursing 5th Edition PDF for free now:
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Happy learning, people!
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