Harrisons Manual of Medicine 19th Edition or the Harrison’s Principles of Internal Medicine (HPIM) is the premier textbook of internal medicine designed for medical students, trainees, and clinicians. It contains the most detailed information pertaining to biological and clinical aspects of high-quality patient care and disease management. Its first publication came out in the year 1988 and since then it has become one of the most popular choices of healthcare professionals who aim to expand their medical knowledge in parallel to the latest advancements made in the field of modern medicine. Today, in this article, we are going to share with you Harrisons Manual of Medicine 19th Edition PDF free download and we hope everyone who is reading this blog post would benefit from it.
The Harrisons Manual of Medicine 19th Edition PDF book gives its readers a much deeper insight into the intricate concepts of clinical medicine. It is a concise, fact-rich resource for bedside care and covers almost all important features of diagnosis and clinical manifestations and their treatment. It helps its readers to develop a sound knowledge of medicine despite the time limitations due to heavy patient-care responsibilities while working at a hospital.
What is new inside Harrisons Manual of Medicine 19th Edition PDF?
The 19th edition of Harrison’s Manual of Medicine covers all important areas of clinical medicine which mainly include:
- Etiology and Epidemiology
- Clinically Relevant Pathophysiology
- Signs and Symptoms
- Differential Diagnosis
- Physical and Laboratory Findings
- Therapeutics
- Practice Guidelines
Table of contents in Harrisons Manual of Medicine 19th Edition
Below is the complete table of contents offered in the Harrisons Manual of Medicine 19th Edition PDF:
SECTION 1: Care of the hospitalized patient
SECTION 2: Medical Emergencies
SECTION 3: Common Patient Presentations
SECTION 4: Otolaryngology
SECTION 5: Dermatology
SECTION 6: Hematology and Oncology
SECTION 7: Infectious Diseases
SECTION 8: Cardiology
SECTION 9: Pulmonology
SECTION 10: Nephrology
SECTION 11: Gastroenterology
SECTION 12: Allergy, Clinical Immunology and Rheumatology
SECTION 13: Endocrinology and Metabolism
SECTION 14: Neurology
SECTION 15: Psychiatry and Substance Abuse
SECTION 16: Disease Prevention and Health Maintenance
SECTION 17: Adverse Drug Reactions
Alright, now that’s all for a brief introduction.
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Harrisons Manual of Medicine 19th Edition PDF Free Download
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