Features of Acromegaly Mnemonic


Are you struggling to memorize the long list of features of acromegaly? This simple mnemonic will help you recall acromegaly features with ease.

Acromegaly Mnemonic

Use the mnemonic “A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J” for the features of acromegaly:

Acromegaly Mnemonic

  • A – Arthropathy
  • B – Big boggy hands
  • C – Carpal tunnel syndrome
  • D – Diabetes
  • E – Enlarged tongue, heart and throat
  • F – Fields (bitemporal hemianopia)
  • G – Gynaecomastia, Galactorrhoea and Greasy skin
  • H – Hypertension (20–50%)
  • I – Increasing size (of shoes, hat, gloves, dentures,
  • J – Jaw enlargement and prognathism

Practical Application

Whether in a clinical setting or during an exam, the “A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J” medical mnemonic ensures you cover all critical aspects of acromegaly.


Keep “A-B-C-D-E-F-G-H-I-J” in mind, and you’ll never miss a step. Found this helpful? Share it with your peers! 🙂


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