In this article, we are sharing with our audience the genuine PDF download of Emergency Nursing Core Curriculum PDF using direct links which can be found at the end of this blog post. To ensure user safety and faster downloads, we have uploaded this .pdf file to our online cloud repository so that you can enjoy a hassle-free downloading experience.
Here, at the Medicos Republic, we believe in quality and speed which are a part of our core philosophy and promise to our readers. We hope that you people benefit from our blog! Now before we share the free PDF download of Emergency Nursing Core Curriculum PDF with you, let’s take a look at a few of the important details regarding this ebook.
Here’s the complete overview of Emergency Nursing Core Curriculum PDF:
Emergency Nursing Core Curriculum, 7th Edition, presents a clear, concise, and thorough overview of emergency nursing. Authored by the Emergency Nurses Association (ENA), this new edition includes updated information on cancer guidelines, diabetes, HIPAA information and more! Building upon the strengths of previous editions, new photographs and illustrations make content more accessible, bringing essential concepts to life This edition provides nurses with an invaluable resource for certification review. Used by practicing emergency nurses at all levels, this highly-respected resource is essential for gaining knowledge, developing practice standards, and improving quality of care.
Features of Emergency Nursing Core Curriculum PDF
Here’s a quick overview of the essential features of this book:
- Authored by ENA, you can rely on this text to be the most authoritative and up-to-date resource available.
- The text’s outline format and alphabetical listing of the Clinical Emergencies chapters mean you can find the information you need – fast!
- NEW! Updated content incorporates the latest information about:
- New types of insulin
- Cancer statistics
- Stroke guidelines
- HIPAA information
- Healthy People 2020
- Sepsis protocols
- Forensic Aspects of Emergency Nursing
- Violence in the ED
- Palliative care
- ENA-authored ensures text is the most authoritative and up-to-date resource available.
- NEW! Reorganized unit on trauma emergencies makes facts more easy to find.
- Updated outline and alphabetical listing of the Clinical Emergencies chapters makes information quickly accessible.
- NEW! Additional illustrations and tables enhance your understanding of key information.
Table of Contents
Below is the complete table of contents offered inside Emergency Nursing Core Curriculum PDF:
Cover image
Title page
Table of Contents
Part 1. Clinical Foundations
Chapter 1. Nursing Assessment and Resuscitation
I. Primary Assessment
II. Resuscitation
III. Secondary Assessment
IV. Focused Assessment
V. Diagnostic Procedures
VI. Analysis: Differential Nursing Diagnoses/Collaborative Problems
VII. Planning and Implementation/Interventions
VIII. Evaluation and Ongoing Monitoring
IX. Documentation of Nursing Assessments and Resuscitation
X. Age-Related Considerations
Chapter 2. Triage
I. Triage Overview
II. Additional Triage Responsibilities
III. Administrative Responsibilities
IV. Selected Considerations
Chapter 3. Abuse and Neglect
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Abuse/Assault Emergencies
Chapter 4. Complementary/Alternative Therapies
I. Introduction
II. Types of Complementary/Alternative Therapies
III. General Strategy
Chapter 5. Palliative and End-of-Life Care
I. Overview
II. Palliative Care Symptom Management
III. Possible Triggers for Obtaining a Palliative Care Consult
IV. Family Presence During Resuscitation
V. Death Notification
VI. End-of-Life Legalities/Ethics
Chapter 6. Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring
I. Invasive Hemodynamic Monitoring Basics
II. Specific Pressure Monitoring Systems
Chapter 7. Organ and Tissue Donation
I. Overview
II. Legislation and Regulation
III. Donation Opportunities
IV. Safety in Donation
V. Donation Referrals
VI. OPO Donor Evaluation
VII. Determination of Brain Death
VIII. Donor Family Authorization
IX. Interacting with and Supporting Donor’s Family
X. Maintaining Viability of Potential Organ Donors
XI. Maintaining Viability of Potential Tissue/Ocular Donor
XII. Pre- and Posttransplantation Emergencies (see Chapter 25)
Chapter 8. Pain Management
I. Pain Overview
II. Definitions
III. Pain Physiology
IV. General Strategy
V. Pain Management Practice
VI. Procedural Sedation
Chapter 9. Isolation and Personal Protective Equipment
I. General Strategy
II. Personal Protective Equipment1,6-13
III. Precautions to Prevent Transmission of Infectious Agents1
IV. Organizational Infection Control Recommendations1,2,16-18
Chapter 10. Children with Special Health Needs (CSHN)
I. Legislation
II. Demographics
III. General Strategy
IV. Specific Special Health Care Needs
V. Special Considerations
Part 2. Clinical Emergencies
Chapter 11. Abdominal Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Abdominal Emergencies
Chapter 12. Cardiovascular Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Medical Cardiovascular Emergencies
Chapter 13. Dental, Ear, Nose, and Throat Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Dental Emergencies
III. Specific Ear Emergencies
IV. Specific Nose Emergencies
V. Specific Throat Emergencies
Chapter 14. Endocrine Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Endocrine Emergencies
Chapter 15. Environmental Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Environmental Emergencies
Chapter 16. Facial and Ocular Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Facial Emergencies
III. Specific Medical Ocular Emergencies
Chapter 17. Fluid and Electrolyte Abnormalities
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Fluid Emergencies
III. Specific Electrolyte Emergencies
IV. Parenteral Administration
Chapter 18. Genitourinary Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Genitourinary Emergencies
Chapter 19. Hematologic/Oncologic Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Hematologic/Oncologic Emergencies
III. Hematologic/Oncologic Complications
Chapter 20. Communicable and Infectious Disease Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Communicable and Infectious Disease Emergencies
Chapter 21. Medical Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Medical Emergencies
Chapter 22. Neurologic Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Neurologic Emergencies
Chapter 23. Obstetric and Gynecologic Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Obstetric Emergencies
III. Specific Gynecologic Emergencies
Chapter 24. Orthopedic Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Soft Tissue Emergencies
III. Specific Bony Skeleton Emergencies
Chapter 25. Pre- and Post-Transplant Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Pre-Solid Organ Transplant Emergencies
III. Post-Solid Organ Transplant Emergencies
Chapter 26. Toxicologic Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Toxicologic Emergencies
Chapter 27. Psychiatric/Psychosocial Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Psychosocial Emergencies
Chapter 28. Respiratory Emergencies
I. General Strategies
II. Specific Respiratory Emergencies
Chapter 29. Shock Emergencies
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Shock Emergencies
Chapter 30. Wounds and Wound Management
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Wound Management Emergencies
Part 3. Trauma Emergencies
Chapter 31. Mechanism of Injury
I. Biomechanics and Kinematics
II. Types of Injuries
Chapter 32. Nursing Assessment and Trauma Resuscitation
I. Primary Assessment1–6
II. Resuscitation1-6
III. Secondary Assessment3
IV. Consider Need for Transfer2,3
V. Analysis: Differential Nursing Diagnoses/Collaborative Problems
VI. Planning and Implementation/Interventions
VII. Evaluation and Ongoing Monitoring
VIII. Documentation of Interventions and Patient Response
IX. Age-Related Considerations
Chapter 33. Abdominal and Urologic Trauma
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Abdominal Injuries
III. Specific Urologic Injuries
Chapter 34. Burn Trauma
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Burn Injuries
Chapter 35. Neurologic Trauma
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Traumatic Neurologic Injuries
Chapter 36. Ocular and Maxillofacial Trauma
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Traumatic Ocular Injuries
III. Specific Traumatic Maxillofacial Injuries
Chapter 37. Trauma in Pregnancy
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Injuries of the Pregnant Trauma Patient
Chapter 38. Orthopedic Trauma
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Soft Tissue Injuries
III. Specific Injuries of Bony Skeleton
IV. Specific Life-Threatening Complications Associated with Orthopedic Injuries
V. Assistive Walking Devices and Splinting
Chapter 39. Thoracic Trauma
I. General Strategy
II. Specific Thoracic Emergencies
Chapter 40. Sexual Assault
I. Definitions
II. General Strategy
Part 4. Professional Components
Chapter 41. Disaster Preparedness and Response
I. Disasters
II. Disaster Phases
III. General Strategy
IV. Specific Weapons of Mass Destruction
V. Four Stages of Disaster Management
VI. United States Federal Disaster Response
VII. Special Topics
Chapter 42. Education: Professional, Patient, and Community
I. Educational Principles
II. Professional Education
III. Patient Education
IV. Community Education
Chapter 43. Emergency Patient Transfer and Transport
I. Emergency Medical Services System
II. Interfacility Transport
III. National Standards Related to Transport
Chapter 44. Forensic Aspects of Emergency Nursing
I. General Overview
II. Assessment
III. Physical Forensic Evidence
IV. Informational Forensic Evidence
Chapter 45. Legal and Regulatory Issues
I. General Overview
II. Consent
III. Patient Treatment and Transfer Issues
IV. Reportable Situations
V. Documentation
VI. Trauma Center Legalities
VII. Affordable Care Act
VIII. Hospital Accreditation Organizations
Chapter 46. Professionalism and Leadership
I. Professionalism
II. Scope and Standards of Emergency Nursing4
III. Career Development
IV. Advanced Practice Roles in the Emergency Care System
V. Networking
VI. Leadership Traits and Styles
VII. Leadership Competencies
VIII. Work Environment
IX. The Impaired Nurse
Chapter 47. Research and Evidence-Based Practice
I. Purpose
II. Nursing Education and Research Functions
III. Research Projects
IV. Research Methodologies
V. Research Process Steps
VI. Research Ethics
VII. Application to Clinical Practice
VIII. Critiquing Research
IX. Using Evidence-Based Practice
Chapter 48. Violence in the Emergency Care Setting
I. Definitions
II. Bowie’s Expanded Typology of Violence2
III. Violence Against ED Nurses
Appendix A. Coma Scales
Appendix B. Age-Specific Vital Signs
Appendix C. Infant Pain Scales
Appendix D. Revised Trauma Score
Emergency Nursing Core Curriculum PDF Free Download
Alright, now in this part of the article, you will be able to access the free PDF download of Emergency Nursing Core Curriculum PDF using our direct links mentioned at the end of this article. We have uploaded a genuine PDF ebook copy of this book to our online file repository so that you can enjoy a blazing-fast and safe downloading experience.
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Please use the direct link mentioned below to download Emergency Nursing Core Curriculum PDF for free now:
Happy learning, people!
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