This blog post contains prof. viva questions of Community Medicine collected from the students of 4th-year MBBS (batch 2013-14) of Bolan Medical College, Quetta. We hope that you people find this blog post useful in your preparations for the viva voce of Community Medicine. 🙂

Community Medicine Prof. Viva Questions
- You will be asked about everything related to your research project/assignment. Things like:
i. Type of research you have conducted
ii. Calculations
iii. Findings of your research - What is Epidemiology?
- Frequency
- Relative Frequency
- How to calculate the percentage?
- Relative risk (you must read this from K.Park and learn the meanings of R.R = 1, R.R >1, R.R = 2, R.R <1)
- Attributable Risk
- Host
- Health (WHO’s Definition)
- Agent (and its types)
- Epidemiological study design
- What is intervention/manipulation?
- Case-Control Study (and its steps, advantages, and disadvantages)
- Cohort Study (and its steps, advantages, and disadvantages)
- Serial Intervention
- Disaster (definition, types and disaster management)
- What is Triage?
- Health Planning Cycle
- Difference between Monitoring and Evaluation
- Probability
- Screening
- Mosquito Control Measures (consult K.Park)
- Lice Control Measures
- Brain-Eating Amoeba
- Objective, Target and Goal (by example)
- SMART Objective (SMART is an acronym)
- Immunity and its types
- Herd Immunity and its mechanism of development
- Allergy
- Types of Hypersensitive reactions
- What is Plan and what are its methods
- URDU NAMES OF THE FOLLOWING DISEASES: [click here for Urdu names of these diseases]
i. Small Pox
ii. Cholera
iii. Diptheria
iv. Measles
v. Mumps
vi. Pertussis
vii. Plague
viii. Rubella
ix. Scabies
x. Tetanus
xi. Tuberculosis - Types of Intrauterine Contraceptive Devices
- The worst side effect of IUCD
- Mechanism of action of IUCD
- Besides pregnancy, other uses of oral contraceptives
- Supplementary protein functions
- Pasteurization, why do we chill milk after heating?
- Side effects of IUCD
- Body Mass Index (BMI), how to calculate it?
- Approximately how many gallons of water are consumed by a person daily?
- Mother & Child Health (MCH) and its components
- Constituents of pulses
- Deworming, signs of good attachment?
- PERT (Programme Evaluation Review Technique)
- Sampling techniques
- Planning and Management
- Etiology of Coronary Heart Disease (CHD)
- Immunization, active and passive differences
- Types of vaccines
- Pillars of immunization
- Prevalence
- Incidence
- Rate
- Ratio
- Proportion
- Arthropod Control
- Lice Control
- Lice Diseases
- Comprehensive Health Care
- Social Sciences and types
- Types of Wastes
- Members of waste management team
- Potable water
- Vital layer of filtration and its function
- Protein assessment
- EPI schedule
- Live attenuated vaccines
- Sensitivity and specificity
- Odd’s Ratio
- Population attributable risk and their interpretation
- Social evil
- Blinding
- Randomization Control Trail, and its steps
- Association and causation
- Temporal Association
- Carrier types
- Water born diseases
- Reservoir
- Cold Chain
- Incubation period
- Latent period
- Productivity values
- Iceberg phenomenon
- Epidemiologist’s bathtub
- Growth ratio
- Calculation and census
- Fertility and fecundity
- Birth control
- Determinants of fertility
- Components of MCH
- Rheumatic fever
- Chlorination
- Wholesome water
- Sampling and data and their types
- Measles
- Diarrhea
- Sore throat classification
- Measles incubation period
- Polio incubation period
- Hepatitis incubation period
- Mortality rate of Tetanus (Ans: 100! Only disease to have 100% mortality rate after the appearance of signs and symptoms)
- Arthropod born infections
- Oral Contraceptives, types and mechanisms
- Modules of IMNCI
- T.B causes mode of transmission
- Positive and negative predictive values
- Primary health care definition, components and principles of PHC
- What are three types of MMR?
- Infrasound and ultrasound
- Odorant Use
- Vital layer function
- Disinfection, and types.
- Define insecticide, types
- Types of preventive measures
- Environmental protection and Environmental Hygiene
- How will you control mites?
- Diseases caused by fleas?
- Differences between Parasites, true parasites, and saprophytes
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Good luck, everyone! 🙂