In this article, we are sharing with our audience the genuine PDF download of Clinical Anatomy: Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors 14th Edition PDF using direct links which can be found at the end of this blog post. To ensure user-safety and faster downloads, we have uploaded this .pdf file to our online cloud repository so that you can enjoy a hassle-free downloading experience.
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Now before that we share the free PDF download of Clinical Anatomy: Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors 14th Edition PDF with you, let’s take a look into few of the important details regarding this ebook.
Here’s the complete overview of Clinical Anatomy: Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors 14th Edition PDF:
Now in its fourteenth edition, Clinical Anatomy is the definitive text offering medical students, postgraduate trainees and junior doctors the anatomical information they need to succeed in a clinical setting.
Professor Harold Ellis and Professor Vishy Mahadevan provide an accessible, comprehensive, and detailed exploration of anatomy, specifically designed for students and trainees at all levels. Revised and updated, the fourteenth edition contains more information about the nervous system as well as medical images, diagrams and photographs that are overlaid with anatomical illustrations, revealing detailed surface anatomy.
Written for medical students, junior doctors, and those studying for The Royal College of Surgeons examinations, the new edition of Clinical Anatomy continues to be an essential resource for understanding the basics of clinical anatomy.
Features of Clinical Anatomy: Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors 14th Edition PDF
Here’s a quick overview of the important features of this book:
- Puts greater emphasis on clinical relevance and contains more content for non-surgical trainees
- Offers a variety of illustrative clinical scenario case studies
- Contains many more medical images and diagrams such as CT and MRI
- Presents expanded information on the nervous system
- Includes a companion website that contains digital flashcards of all the illustrations and photographs presented in the book
Table of Contents
Below is the complete table of contents offered inside Clinical Anatomy: Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors 14th Edition PDF:
Preface to the Fourteenth Edition
Preface to the First Edition
Acknowledgements to the Fourteenth Edition
Acknowledgements to the First Edition
About the Companion Website
Part 1: The Thorax
Surface anatomy and surface markings
The thoracic cage
The lower respiratory tract
The mediastinum
On the examination of a chest radiograph
Part 2: The Abdomen and Pelvis
Surface anatomy and surface markings
The fasciae and muscles of the abdominal wall
Peritoneal cavity
The gastrointestinal tract
The gastrointestinal adnexae: liver, gall bladder and its ducts,pancreas and spleen, 97
The urinary tract
The male genital organs
The bony and ligamentous pelvis
The muscles of the pelvic floor and perineum
The female genital organs
The posterior abdominal wall
Computed axial tomography
Part 3: The Upper Limb
Surface anatomy and surface markings of the upper limb
The bones and joints of the upper limb
Three important zones of the upper limb: the axilla,the cubital fossa and the carpal tunnel, 189
The arteries of the upper limb
The brachial plexus
The course and distribution of the principal nerves of the upper limb
Compartments of the upper limb
The female breast
The anatomy of upper limb deformities
The spaces of the hand
Part 4: The Lower Limb
Surface anatomy and surface markings of the lower lim, 217
The bones and joints of the lower limb
Three important zones of the lower limb: the femoral triangle,adductor canal and popliteal fossa
The arteries of the lower lim, 258
The veins of the lower limb
The course and distribution of the principal nerves of the lower limb
Compartments of the lower limb
Part 5: The Head and Neck
Surface anatomy of the neck
The thyroid gland
The parathyroid glands
The palate
The tongue and floor of the mouth
The pharynx
The larynx
The salivary glands
The major arteries of the head and neck
The veins of the head and neck
The lymph nodes of the neck
The cervical sympathetic trunk
The branchial system and its derivatives
Surface anatomy and surface markings of the head
The scalp
The skull
The paranasal sinuses (accessory nasal sinuses)
The mandible
The vertebral column
Part 6: The Nervous System
The brain
The spinal cord
The cranial nerves
The special senses
The autonomic nervous system
Glossary of eponyms,
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Product Details
Below are the technical specifications of Clinical Anatomy: Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors 14th Edition PDF:
- Paperback: 488 pages
- Publisher: Wiley-Blackwell; 14 edition (November 12, 2018)
- Language: English
- ISBN-10: 1119325536
- ISBN-13: 978-1119325536
- Product Dimensions: 6.7 x 0.9 x 9.5 inches
- Shipping Weight: 2 pounds
Clinical Anatomy: Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors 14th Edition PDF Free Download
Alright, now in this part of the article, you will be able to access the free PDF download of Clinical Anatomy: Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors 14th Edition PDF using our direct links mentioned at the end of this article. We have uploaded a genuine PDF ebook copy of this book to our online file repository so that you can enjoy a blazing-fast and safe downloading experience.
Here’s the cover image preview of Clinical Anatomy: Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors 14th Edition PDF:
Please use the direct link mentioned below to download Clinical Anatomy: Applied Anatomy for Students and Junior Doctors 14th Edition PDF for free now:
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Happy learning, people!
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