Hyperkalemia ECG Changes Mnemonic [Explained with ECG Strips]
Hyperkalemia is a condition in which there is an abnormally high level of potassium in the blood, it can have potentially serious consequences on...
Drugs Causing Agranulocytosis Mnemonic [4 C’s]
As medical professionals, we always do our best to navigate through the intricate landscape of adverse drug reactions whenever we're prescribing or administering medications...
Pheochromocytoma and the “Rule of 10”
Alright, medicos, let’s talk about pheochromocytoma — a rare but feisty little tumor that just loves to spike up your adrenaline like it’s training...
Layers of the Scrotum (Funny Mnemonic)
The Scrotum (a.k.a ball sack) is an anatomical structure containing the male reproductive organs called testis. It is a dual chambered sack consisting of smooth...
Diseases Caused by Staphylococcus Aureus Mnemonic [SOFT PAIN]
Alright folks, let's explore diseases caused by Staphylococcus aureus through the mnemonic "SOFT PAIN". This compact and helpful mnemonic meticulously covers an array of...