Spermatic Cord Contents Mnemonic (Easy & Fun)
The spermatic cord (as the name suggests), is a cord-like structure comprising of a collection of vessels, nerves, and ducts that run to and...
Layers of the Scrotum (Funny Mnemonic)
The Scrotum (a.k.a ball sack) is an anatomical structure containing the male reproductive organs called testis. It is a dual chambered sack consisting of smooth...
List of Catalase Positive Microorganisms (With Mnemonics)
Catalase is a very common enzyme found in almost all kinds of organisms which mainly include bacteria, plants, and animals. In this article, we...
Easy To Remember Pharmacology Mnemonics (With Pictures)
OBLIVION — is what comes to my mind when I think of Pharmacology. For a medical student, there is no pain greater than having...