For the 1st year MBBS students, the Anatomy Viva is always like a nightmare. It is often dreaded because of the complexity of the subject. Doing well in the stages/prof Viva of Anatomy requires a lot of serious preparation and hard work. And to help ease the pressure, we have collected the frequently asked and most important Viva questions of Anatomy. We hope you will find them useful in your viva preparation! 🙂

Internal Examiner Anatomy Viva Questions
Prof: Dr. Tariq Chisti (H.O.D Anatomy)
Subjects/topics: Upperlimb and Embryology
- Bony features of Scapula and its muscular attachments
- All muscle attachments of Radius and Ulna
- Thenar and Hypothenar muscle names and their innervation
- Trisomy and Monosomy
- Birth defects: i.e Malformation, Deformity etc.
- Pneumatic bones and its examples
- Riders bone
- What are the branches of the radial artery?
- What are the branches of the ulnar artery?
- Name the nerves of the anterior forearm?What passes through the cubital fossa?
- Point of exit of “median nerve” from the cubtial fossa?
- Which structure forms the anterior wall of the carpal tunnel?
- What passes through the carpal tunnel?
- Whay are the types of pure motor nerves?
- What are the derivates of hypoblast?
- What is the side determination of scapula?
- what is the fate of yolk sac?
- Enumerate differences between spermatogenesis and oogenesis.
- What are Neural crest derivatives.
- What are pronation and supination movements?
- What muscles supinate the forearm? Name them.
- What muscles pronate the forearm? Name them.
- What does the anconeus muscle do?
- What gives the thumb greater movement than the other fingers? What is End Artery?
- Schaphoid bone fractures
- Seasmoid bone and its example
- What are miniature long bones
- Give the nerve supply of latissimus dorsi?
- What is cloaca and what is cloacal membrane?
- Axilla boundaries and content
- Cuboital fossa boundaries, floor and contents
- Bicipital groove and its attachments
- Joints classification and distribution
- Structures passing superficial and deep to extensor retinaculum
- Structures passing superficial and deep to flexor retinaculum?
- Flexor retinaculum attachments
- Carpel tunnel sydrome
- Quadrangular space
- Axillary artery origin, course and its branches
- Stages and significance of fertilization
- All about placenta
- Function of Amniotic fluid and its sources
- Derivatives of Ectoderm, Endoderm and Mesoderm
- Anatomic snuff box
- Rotator cuff muscles
- Muscles of the palm
- Radial artery
- Klumpk’s palsy
- Erb’s palsy
- Claw deformity
- Wrist drop
- All about Brachial Plexus especially branches arising from later, posterior and medial cords
- Types of muscles
- Why 2nd week of embrionic development is called “second”? Mention its significance.
- Neural Crest derivatives
- Gastrulation
- Neuralation
- Cleavage
- Neural tube defects
- Formation of placenta, chorion and chorionic villi.
External Examiner Anatomy Viva Questions
Dr. Zubair Ahmed
Topics/subjects: Thorax and Lower Limb from Gross Anatomy and Histology
- What are thoracic movements? What are they for?
- What is diaphragm? Tell me its origin, insertion, nerve supply.
- Name the major openings of the diaphragm?
- What is sympathetic trunk?
- what is pneumothorax? What are the causes of penumothorax?
- Explain blood supply of chest wall?
- What are the lymphatics of lungs?
- Tell me Locking and unlocking mechanism of knee joint?
- What is venous drainage heart?
- Tell me anatomical position heart?
- Where does sacro-iliac joint take place on hip bone?
- What is pectineal line?
- What is pectin pubis?
- What is fascia lata?
- What are the modifications of fascia lata in thigh?
- Name the different intermuscular septa in thigh and also their functions.
- Which artery supplies the adductor muscles?
- Arterial supply of heart
- Venous drainage of the heart
- Heart borders and surfaces (examiner had heart model)
- Mediastinum divisions and borders
- Contents of Superior Mediastinum
- Contents of Posterior Mediastinum
- Aorta (complete)
- Cardiac pain
- Pericardium and pericardial sinuses
- Right and left crest of the diaphragam
- Pleural effusion
- Trochantric anastomosis
- Cruciate anastomosis of knee
- Medial mellous anatomosis
- Varicose veins
- Attachments on Linea Aspra
- Attachments on Soleal line
- Signifiance of Vastus Medialis Muscle
- Stablizing factors of hip joint
- Trendlenburg’s sign
- Muscular and bony factors contributing to stabilization of Patella
- Muslcles of the sole
- Muscles of the superficial compartment of the leg
- Sciaitic nerve
- Explain the Knee Lock mechanism
- Femoral artery origin, course and branches
- Great sphenous vein
- Small sphenous vein
- All clinics of lower limb
- Difference between cardiac cells and Purkinjee cells
- Differnece between Periosteum and Endostium
- Function and example of Antigen Presenting Cells
- Lacunar and Pectineal Ligaments
- Site of Palpation of Femoral Artery and Dorsalis Pedis Artery
- Differnece between Basal Lamina and Basment Membrane
- Common peroneal nerve
- Arches of the foot and their formation including clinical significance
- Ischial tuberosity
- Tibial plateau
Please share with us your Anatomy Viva Questions of 1st year MBBS below in the comment box. Thanks! 🙂
I study anatomy structure and many much but I find my answer questions in anatomy, what happened to me fail regional anatomy and I pass Gross anatomy.