In this article, we are sharing with our audience the genuine PDF download of Advanced Practice Nursing Procedures 2nd Edition PDF using direct links which can be found at the end of this blog post. To ensure user safety and faster downloads, we have uploaded this .pdf file to our online cloud repository so that you can enjoy a hassle-free downloading experience.
Here, at the Medicos Republic, we believe in quality and speed which are a part of our core philosophy and promise to our readers. We hope that you people benefit from our blog! 🙂 Now before we share the free PDF download of Advanced Practice Nursing Procedures 2nd Edition PDF with you, let’s take a look at a few of the important details regarding this ebook.
Here’s the complete overview of Advanced Practice Nursing Procedures 2nd Edition PDF:
Awarded second place in the 2020 AJN Book of the Year Award in the Adult Primary Care category
Here is an illustrated, easy-to-reference handbook with step-by-step instructions for the procedures most commonly performed by primary care clinicians in office, hospital, and other outpatient settings. Organized by major body systems, each section reviews the diagnostic procedures for that system, followed by all of the information you need to perform the procedure.
Begin with an overview and a list of methods for performing the procedure, followed by rationales, indications and contraindications. The procedure section lists the required equipment and provides step-by-step instructions for performing the procedure. You’ll also have CPT coding guidelines and health promotion and safety prevention tips for client teaching as well as post-procedure care.
Features of Advanced Practice Nursing Procedures 2nd Edition PDF
Here’s a quick overview of the essential features of this book:
(No available book features)
Table of Contents
Below is the complete table of contents offered inside Advanced Practice Nursing Procedures 2nd Edition PDF:
Diagnostic Testing
- Punch Biopsy
- Skin Biopsy
- Wood’s Light Examination
Procedures 4. Abscesses—Incision and Drainage: Furuncle, Felon, Paronychia, Pilonidal Cyst, Perianal Cyst
- Bites: Ants, Arthropods (Spiders), Bees, and Wasps
- Bites: Cats, Dogs, and Humans
- Burns: Debridement
- Digital Nerve Block
- Fishhook Removal
- Nail Removal
- Ring Removal
- Sebaceous Cyst Removal
- Skin Closure: Dermabond Application
- Skin Lesion Removal: Cautery and Cryosurgery
- Skin Lesion Removal: Keloids, Moles, Corns, Calluses
- Skin Tag (Acrochordon) Removal
- Soft Tissue Aspiration
- Staple Insertion
- Staple Removal
- Steri-Strip Application
- Subungual Hematoma Excision
- Suture Insertion
- Suture Selection
- Suture Removal
- Tick Removal
- Topical Hemostatic Agent Application
- Ulcer Debridement
Section Two: Musculoskeletal Procedures Diagnostic Testing
- Bone Marrow Aspiration and Biopsy
- X-Ray Interpretation: Bones
Procedures 30. Arthrocentesis
- Compartment Syndrome Assessment
- Clavicle Immobilization Techniques: Clavicle Strap, Figure Eight, Sling and Swath
- Crutch Walking
- Dislocation Reduction
- Ganglion Cyst Aspiration and Injection
- Intra-Articular and Bursa Corticosteroid Injection
- Sling Application
- Splinting and Taping
- Trigger Point Injection
Section Three: Genitourinary and Breast Procedures Diagnostic Testing
- Breast Biopsy: Fine Needle Aspiration
- Breast Examination
- Colposcopy: Endocervical Curettage and Cervical Biopsy
- Endometrial Biopsy
- Specimen Collection: Gram Stain, Wet Mount (Saline and KOH)
- Specimen Collection: Papanicolaou (Pap) Smear
Procedures 46. Administration of Vaginal Medications and Condoms
- Bartholin Cyst Abscess: Incision and Drainage
- Cervical Cap Fitting, Insertion, and Removal
- Cervical Lesions: Cryotherapy
- Condyloma Acuminata Removal
- Diaphragm Fitting, Insertion, and Removal
- IUD Fitting, Insertion, and Removal
- Nexplanon Insertion
- Nexplanon Removal
- Paracervical Nerve Block
- Pessary Insertion
- Vaginal Examination
Section Four: Obstetrical Procedures Diagnostic Testing
- At-Risk Fetal Assessment: Third Trimester Testing
- Leopold’s Maneuver
- Fundal Assessment
- Obstetric Ultrasound
Procedures 62. Emergency Delivery
- Teaching Breastfeeding
Section Five: Head: Eyes, Ears, Nose, and Mouth Diagnostic Testing
- Audiometry Testing
- Tympanometry
- Visual Function Evaluation: Snellen, Illiterate E, Pictorial
Procedures – Eyes 67. Corneal Abrasion and Foreign Body Removal: Eye
- Eye Drop Insertion
- Eye Irrigation
- Eye Trauma Stabilization
- Eyebrow Laceration Repair
- Eyelid Eversion
Procedures – Ears/Nose 73. Auricular Hematoma Evacuation
- Cerumen Impaction Removal: Irrigation of the Ear and Curette Technique
- Epistaxis Control
- Laryngoscopy: Indirect and Direct Flexible
- Nasal Lavage (Irrigation)
- Removal of Foreign Body: Ear and Nose
Procedures – Mouth 79. Frenotomy for Ankyloglossia
- Lip Laceration Repair
- Tongue Laceration Repair
- Tooth Avulsion and Fracture
Section Six: Cardiovascular Procedures Diagnostic Testing
- Doppler Technique
- Electrocardiogram (EKG) Interpretation
- Electrocardiogram (EKG) Lead Placement
- Holter Monitor Application: Continuous 24-Hour Ambulatory Cardiac Monitoring
- Stress Testing (Stress EKG)
- Types of Pacemakers
Procedures 89. Arterial Puncture
- Blood Culture Specimen Collection
- Central Venous Catheter Access (Portacath)
- Defibrillation
- Unna’s Boot Application
- Venipuncture
Section Seven: Respiratory Procedures 95. Aerosol/Inhalation Administration (Nebulizer)
- Assessing Respiratory Distress
- Peak Flowmeter
- Pulmonary Function Testing (Spirometry)
- Pulmonary Stress Test
- X-Ray Interpretation: Chest
Procedures 101. Chest Tubes for Emergency Transport
- Flail Chest Stabilization: With or Without Open Chest Wound
- Stab/Penetrating Wound Stabilization
Section Eight: Gastrointestinal Procedures Diagnostic Testing
- Anoscopy
- Hemoccult
- Flexible Sigmoidoscopy
- Urea Breath Test
- X-Ray Interpretation: Abdominal
Procedures 109. Gastric Lavage
- Inguinal Hernia Reduction
- Percutaneous Endoscopic Gastrostomy (PEG) Tube Reinsertion
- Perianal Skin Tags/External Hemorrhoidal Skin Tags
- Pilonidal Cyst/Abscess Incision and Drainage (I&D)
- Prostate Massage
- Rectal Prolapse Reduction
- Thrombosed Hemorrhoid Removal
Advanced Practice Nursing Procedures 2nd Edition PDF Free Download
Alright, now in this part of the article, you will be able to access the free PDF download of Advanced Practice Nursing Procedures 2nd Edition PDF using our direct links mentioned at the end of this article. We have uploaded a genuine PDF ebook copy of this book to our online file repository so that you can enjoy a blazing-fast and safe downloading experience.
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Here’s the cover image preview of Advanced Practice Nursing Procedures 2nd Edition PDF:
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Please use the direct link mentioned below to download Advanced Practice Nursing Procedures 2nd Edition PDF for free now:
Happy learning, people! 🙂
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