In this blog post, we are going to share with you 100 Cases in Radiology PDF for free downloading. This book contains 100 important radiological cases that are important for the MRCP Part 2 exam. This book describes each case with the help of a radiology slides, a description of the case, history and examination of the patient and everything you need to know regarding that case in a high-yield method. In addition to all this, each case also comes-up with a set of “key-points” at the end of each article which offers more valuable insight into that particular case.
Below are a few screenshots taken directly from the book:

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Content of the Book
Below are the 100 Cases in Radiology that you are going to find in this book. These cases are high-yield for the MRCP Part 2 Exam:
Case 1 Deteriorating shortness of breath in a smoker
Case 2 The breathless asthmatic
Case 3 An icy fall
Case 4 Difficulty swallowing
Case 5 A mechanical fall in an elderly patient
Case 6 Right upper abdominal pain
Case 7 Heartburn, epigastric pain, and a cough
Case 8 Lines, catheters and tubes on a radiograph
Case 9 Weakness and slurring while out for a drink
Case 10 Back pain relieved only by aspirin
Case 11 A persistent cough in an ex-smoker
Case 12 A schoolmaster with progressive breathlessness
Case 13 Numb right arm
Case 14 Jaundice following cholecystectomy
Case 15 Infant with clicking hips
Case 16 Painful wrist after falling
Case 17 Constipation in woman with an ovarian tumor
Case 18 Thirty-year-old man with headache
Case 19 Persistent cough
Case 20 Chest pain and dyspnoea
Case 21 Young man with neck swelling
Case 22 Collapse and possible seizure
Case 23 Premature neonate with abdominal distension
Case 24 Young child with painful arm
Case 25 Acute epigastric pain
Case 26 Man with atypical chest pain
Case 27 Young woman with shortness of breath and chest pain
Case 28 Chest discomfort and dyspnoea
Case 29 Skateboarder with a painful foot
Case 30 Left-sided loin pain
Case 31 Unable to bear weight after a cycling accident
Case 32 Strange bone appearance after falling
Case 33 Lower back pain
Case 34 Vomiting baby boy
Case 35 Painless haematuria
Case 36 Sudden onset weakness in an 80-year-old woman
Case 37 Young man with ankle pain
Case 38 Painful shoulder
Case 39 Chest pain after falling
Case 40 Swelling of the big toe
Case 41 A young man with progressive dyspnoea on exertion
Case 42 Pain on deep inspiration
Case 43 An elbow injury
Case 44 Pain in the hand following a punching injury
Case 45 A fall on the hand and pain in the wrist
Case 46 Shortness of breath and pleuritic chest pain
Case 47 A new arrival with cough and a fever
Case 48 A seat belt injury
Case 49 A device in the pelvis
Case 50 A cardiac abnormality
Case 51 A mirror image
Case 52 A distended and painful abdomen
Case 53 Bloody sputum and weight loss
Case 54 A soft fluctuant lump
Case 55 Abdominal distension and shifting dullness
Case 56 A painful hand
Case 57 A retired construction worker with a cough
Case 58 Distended abdomen and unable to pass gas
Case 59 Torrential haematemesis
Case 60 An incidental finding on chest radiograph
Case 61 A worried nurse in intensive care
Case 62 Young man with abdominal pain
Case 63 Skin plaques and achy hands
Case 64 Teaching sport can be a headache at times
Case 65 A chesty infant
Case 66 Difficulty in swallowing
Case 67 Pregnant woman with vomiting
Case 68 Infant with a head injury
Case 69 Abdominal distension in a woman with ovarian cancer
Case 70 A woman with a breast lump
Case 71 A rising creatinine
Case 72 Neck pain after falling
Case 73 A young man with back pain
Case 74 A child with an injury
Case 75 A renal tract abnormality
Case 76 Shooting leg pain following lifting
Case 77 A chronic productive cough
Case 78 General fatigue and weakness
Case 79 A cervical spine injury following a horse riding accident
Case 80 Abdominal pain and diarrhea in a 28-year-old woman
Case 81 Pain in the left wrist following a fall
Case 82 A known case of inflammatory bowel disease
Case 83 A tourist from New Zealand
Case 84 Spontaneous nose bleeds in a young person
Case 85 Abdominal weight gain and distension despite dieting
Case 86 Left mid zone crackles
Case 87 Traumatic injury to a farmer’s foot
Case 88 An accountant with abdominal pain
Case 89 Pain in a woman with breast cancer
Case 90 Headache and visual field defects
Case 91 A claudicant with worsening leg pain
Case 92 Normal variant on a chest radiograph
Case 93 Flank pain and haematuria
Case 94 Patient with an intractable headache
Case 95 An unwell patient with a rash
Case 96 Chest wall swelling and a pleural effusion
Case 97 Chest wall deformity in a pacemaker patient
Case 98 Sudden onset back pain in a 72-year-old woman
Case 99 Constipation and colicky abdominal pain
Case 100 An ankle injury
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100 Cases in Radiology PDF Free Download
In this part of the blog post, you will be able to download 100 Cases in Radiology in .pdf format for free. These radiology cases/slides are essential for the MRCP Part 2 exam so those who aspire to sit the MRCP Part 2 exam must consult this book.
Here’s the direct download link which points to the Google Drive repository containing the 100 Cases in Radiology PDF for free download. 🙂
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